Econometric Research Paper Topic

Today I have finally chosen my research paper topic for my econometric class. I will be analyzing the relationship between family income and the number of extracurricular activities a students participates in while in their college years. I will be excluding Greek life as an activity due to the expenses it costs to participate, all activities included at academic or sports related. The reason I will be including sports and not Greek life is because student's with lower income families may also be paying for school through scholarships, due to being in a low income family. I believe it will result in a negative relationship between the two variables. Reasoning behind my hypothesis is that students with lower family income are more prone to be paying for college themselves. Therefore, they will be more inclined to participate in extracurricular activities to increase their resume and networking possibilities for a better career unlike students from higher income families. Although I do expect some exception in my hypothesis, we will see how it turns out.


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